Amar is accused of buying MPs to support he Manmohan Singh government in July 2008. On 06-September-2011, he was sent to judicial custody by Delhi Court in the infamous cash-for-vote scandal of 2008. In the same case two former BJP MPs Mahavir Singh Bhagora and Faggan Singh Kulaste have also been sent to jail custody until 19-September 2011.
Times of India reported...
Special judge Sangita Dhingra Sehgal remained unmoved as Singh said he needed round-the-clock medical surveillance because of his kidney transplant and promised to behave well during the trial. She remanded him along with two former BJP MPs -- Mahavir Singh Bhagora and Faggan Singh Kulaste -- to judicial custody till September 19.The biggest controversy of the moment is that the chargesheet does not say anything on the beneficiaries of the cash-for-vote scandal?
India Today says...
The Congress that survived the crucial vote - after the Left parties withdrew support over the Indo- US nuclear deal - maintained a discreet distance from the court case, saying it believed in the due process of law.
However, the BJP - whose MPs were at the centre of the case and had claimed they were being enticed with bribes to vote for the UPA - described the case as the "biggest scandal of the century" and demanded to know why action had not been taken against the beneficiaries of the scam.
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